
IT that works for you

We are 100% committed to making sure business owners have the most reliable and professional IT service in all over Europe. Our team of talented IT professionals can solve your IT nightmares once and for all.

Here’s why so many businesses depend on Imtecsoft for complete IT services and support:

  • A Team Of Experts. Unlike other IT companies, we have a robust team of technicians, all with different areas of expertise. This means you’ll never be left waiting around for a problem to be resolved.
  • Professional Company. You’re running a successful firm, and you don’t want your IT company to stick out. With Imtechsoft, your entire experience will be professional. We have put a great deal of time into our standards of dressing, our communication style, and our entire culture.
  • Reliable And Dependable. It might be a little old fashioned, but to us it’s just good business. When we give you a price, that’s the price you pay. If we make a promise to show up, fix a problem, or return a call, we keep our promise. That is the Imtechsoft difference.
  • Excellent Response Time. Over and over again, our clients tell us how FAST our support is. That is music to our ears, because that has always been our goal. If you’re frustrated by slow IT guys, broken promises, or lost data you will be thrilled by our commitment to customer service.

Our custom service packages deliver what you need and want without overstepping the boundaries of your budget. From cloud services to data backup, Imtechsoft is here to team up with you and your company for expert support.

Imtiaz Alam


Minhaj Muhammad Khan

Co-Founder / Investor

Our Team

Taimour Ali Rao

“As an AI Director, I specialize in guiding organizations through the transformative power of artificial intelligence. With a passion for innovation and a strategic mindset, I lead cross-functional teams to develop cutting-edge AI solutions that optimize business processes and drive growth.

                      Who We Are?

Imtecsoft is a team of professionals who have expertise in seven key IT disciplines: hardware, software, cybersecurity, business continuity, systems integration, cloud services, and networking. We have over 2,500 workstations and servers under management for over 100 clients, including leading Delaware companies in the Legal, Real Estate, Construction, Healthcare, Accounting Services, and Retail industries. We’ve been in operation for over 20 years, and in that time, we have enjoyed a retention rate of 98%, a testament to our expertise and dedication to our clients’ success.